Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pile it up!

I had a break this weekend...Mom and Dad took the girls and dog and I got to go play with Tony in Glacier.  When I first pulled into the driveway I looked at all the things I had to do around here and started singing:
"Back to life, back to reality..."

Then my busy girls...talking nonstop...helped me unload and asked if they could rake the leaves.
"Sure," I sighed feeling sorry for myself because that was one more thing I'd have to clean up.

Then the giggles got the best of me and I joined them in the back yard.
Are there leaves tracked around the house??  
Of course there are.

Was it worth it?
You decide...

1 comment:

Anne said...

If you run out of leaves... I have some they can play in. :-) Glad you are all doing so well.