Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lost Lake

It's been a very long time since I've put up a blog post.  I've been just doing Face Book I guess...or nothing.  Where do you start when you are so far behind with pictures and stories?  I was going to have Kyndra start posting some of their pictures from the summer with captions but we are only half through the 1000 she took!  I guess you start

I've been wanting to go to the Shonkin Sag since I moved home.  The first year I tried to go but it was a terribly wet spring and the bridge to Lost Lake Road was blown out by the little creek.  I haven't made it back but it turns out I was almost there.  I took the girls and a couple of friends on an  adventure today.  Unfortunately the camera batteries were not very charged and we ran short.  I did get a few fun shots that I'd like to share.

Getting out of the car we were hit by the hot wind.  It was almost 85 today and dry as a bone.  There were some hoo-doo's right off the road that I couldn't talk any ladies to climb on, yet, next time.
The Shonkin Sag is a remnant of the Ice Age. This website tells you more than I could ever possibly know about the formation.  I know it's amazing, big, steep, and a little scary.
Its a long drop down!  Lost Lake is surrounded on three sides by steep walls that beg to be climbed.  I did see some climbing bolts...hmm.  We had a great hike around the rocks, a picnic, and nobody fell off!
On the ride home we hit the Carter Ferry again.  I can't believe I was born and raised in this country and never even knew this fascinating place existed...or the ferry for that mater.  We will go back, maybe in the spring when the water will be flowing over the edge.  If you live in Great Falls and have never been to the Sag, go!  You won't be disappointed. 

1 comment:

Montana Mom and Dad said...

amazing!! never been there myself....maybe next time?